If anyone has nursing problems, ask me, ask me, ask me! I nursed Austin til 3.5. And if he didn't stop on his own, I'd love to continue!
Unless for medical reasons, the majority of moms are able to nurse. I'm talking like 99%! Even when most doctors asked me to wean Austin at 2, I continued! I wasn't ready to stop til Austin goes to elementary school (the recommended age to really stop nursing according to La Leche League)!
Also, I don't like drinking plain water, so I don't drink water regardless, but I drank a lot of cold milk and juice right after delivery. Some people say that hot soup will make you produce more milk. But I didn't like to drink anything hot or warm and I was already producing too much milk!
One thing my doc warned me... what ever you eat is what ever your baby eat if you're nursing, so any of the Chinese herbal stuff for "坐月子" wasn't recommended!
One of your very first questions after the little one's born will be, "Is she drinking enough? Am I producing enough? How come she doesn't seem like she has enough to drink?" Don't worry and just keep trying! Nursing is wonderful, but baby can grow up on formula too so don't pressure yourself too much. I have to warn you though-- it hurts like @#!$@#$!@#%!@#$ at first few weeks...!#$!%$!@$#2!!!!!
If anyone has nursing problems, ask me, ask me, ask me! I nursed Austin til 3.5. And if he didn't stop on his own, I'd love to continue!
Unless for medical reasons, the majority of moms are able to nurse. I'm talking like 99%! Even when most doctors asked me to wean Austin at 2, I continued! I wasn't ready to stop til Austin goes to elementary school (the recommended age to really stop nursing according to La Leche League)!
Also, I don't like drinking plain water, so I don't drink water regardless, but I drank a lot of cold milk and juice right after delivery. Some people say that hot soup will make you produce more milk. But I didn't like to drink anything hot or warm and I was already producing too much milk!
One thing my doc warned me... what ever you eat is what ever your baby eat if you're nursing, so any of the Chinese herbal stuff for "坐月子" wasn't recommended!
Have fun nursing!
快要生了, 一定會緊張, 我們會繼續幫妳禱告喔!
別忘了, 還有一件事別忘了禱告: 趕快恢復產前的身材! 這樣才不用買新衣服, 可以多買一點寶寶的東西! 我當初就是這樣跟上帝求的!
One of your very first questions after the little one's born will be, "Is she drinking enough? Am I producing enough? How come she doesn't seem like she has enough to drink?" Don't worry and just keep trying! Nursing is wonderful, but baby can grow up on formula too so don't pressure yourself too much. I have to warn you though-- it hurts like @#!$@#$!@#%!@#$ at first few weeks...!#$!%$!@$#2!!!!!
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