Monday, December 11, 2006




Anonymous said...

其實不是只看 "澱粉" 主要是要看 carbohydrate (碳水化合物) 的量. 麵包,米飯麵類, 水果, potato/yam 等... 都很多. 下次去看醫生可以請醫生建議一天攝取量, 配合所需的熱量來做換算
威嫂還要注意 "鈉" (sodium) 的攝取量, 不要吃太鹹, 不然很容易水腫弄的自己很不舒服

Anonymous said...

I have to say it again! I TOLD YOU SO!

Ice cream is actually good for the baby (calcium)! Steak is good too! Just eat it very well done!

Like Gwen and Joyce said......just don't eat anything that's not fully cooked! Like egg, sushi, some salad dressing (caesar salad), some icing on cakes (if they whip it with raw egg white)......

Anonymous said...

ice cream真的可以吃喔??!!偶以為不能吃冰的說...........一直忍,一直忍,一直忍........好痛苦喔~~~

IceCreampuff said...

Ice cream還是少吃

Anonymous said...

I asked my doc before, he never said I can't eat anything cold. In fact, ice cream is good! As long as I don't eat too much because I'll get fat! Just eat a balanced meal, not too much of anything!

I had the baby the American way because my sister in law is almost an ABC (went to the States at 2) so everything I know she taught me! We never 坐月子! And ate according to American diet (you know...... diary, grain, fruit, salad, protein.......) According to studies, although Americans are much more obese than us Asians, they are happier and healthier! I exercised thru out my pregancy and my older relative thought that I was insane (she told me to just sit tight and don't move)! I took a shower and washed my hair the day after the baby's born and the doc said is ok as long as I don't get dirty water on the cut! And I ate nomral food, and drank icy cold milk! I went out shopping a week after Austin's born!

My family was never into Chinese medicine! We ate cold stuff everyday from summer to winter. And no one told us not to! In fact, food to hot is not good for your body! There was an program on discovery or national geographic saying that 中國人重視補, 補來補去, 補了半天, 還是全世界到數的短命國家! 反而日本人吃清茶淡飯, 最長壽!

So remember, BALANCE you diet is most important! I bought several preganancy diet books from Amazon if anyone's interested!

Anonymous said...


麵包真的要少吃拉 沒營養

真羨慕你不會害喜!! 這樣懷孕就不會那麼辛苦了!! 趁現在肚子還沒有大得很難受~ 多去一些自己想去的餐館 要不然等肚子太大 或是小朋友出來了 要好好享受兩人燭光晚餐 就很難了

Anonymous said...

Dear Janice,

You shouldn't just listen to other mommies! You should look it up when you have doubts! You could ask your doc too but since they are not nutrition specialist, they probably can't tell you much either!

I used a book as a reference when I was prego, "Eating for Two" by Mary Abbott Hess, R.D., M.S. I got it from Amazon. You should read it or find other nutrition books regarding pregnant women!

Anonymous said...

Regarding carbohydrate, I'm quoting from the book..."Healthy eaters know that carbohydrate-fruits, vegetables, and whole grains-are the staff of life... Restricting carbohydrate can be very dangerous, especially during pregnancy... But just in case you're considering limiting breads, potatos, starches, and cereals as a way of restricting weight gain when you're pregnant, we offer the following warning: A low-carb diet can be a serious threat to an unborn child... Only glucose, the energy source from carb. can be used for development of the baby's nervous system......"

The book has an entire chapter on carbohydrate and how essential it is to pregnant women and their babies!

Anonymous said...

Another chapter in the book talks about how to plan a balanced meal!

A daily food guide for pregnant women:

1. milk and dairy - 4+ servings
2. fruits and veges - 6+ servings (but my doc said limit fruit because you might consume too much sugar)
3. breads and cereals - 6+ servings
4. protein - 3 servings
5. fats and sugars - as necessary for added calories
6. water and liquids - 8+ servings

A pregnant woman needs to consume at least 2500 calories per day!

Since you need 4 servings of milk and dairy, 1/2 cup of ice cream is considered one serving. And you need a little fat and sugar in your diet too! So 1/2 cup of ice cream per day is ok, if other servings are skim or low fat milk and cheese and yogurt!

Anonymous said...

The book also warns you about raw food and unpateurized milk. There are some that people don't normally pay attention to, like soft-cooked eggs, caesar salad dressing, home-made ice cream and mayonnaise, eggnog, desserts made with whipped egg whites, rare meats, raw fish, sushi, oysters, clams, mussels and snails!

I nag a lot because I'm an old mamma who knew nothing when I was pregnant so I had to look it up! And you probably know all this already. But just in case you don't! You can't be too careful! After all, you're eating for TWO!

P.S. Just to warn you that the book "Eating for Two" is almost an inch thick with no pictures and all words! Maybe there are other picture books out there that are more applealing!

Anonymous said...

1.蛋白質: 魚,肉,奶,蛋...選一份(一份肉大約是手掌的大小)



Anonymous said...

to Joyce & 威嫂,

我從小在國外長大, 從來沒有聽說過少吃冰這回事兒! 而且醫生還說感冒喉嚨痛吃冰的會比較舒服! 我從未一天沒吃冰的東西! 我在台灣兇兇的婦產科名醫也說沒關係(他只有教訓我不要因為怕痛就要剖腹!)反而產後他還要我多吃冰, 有助子宮收縮! 我嫂更愛吃冰! 沒冰塊的飲料她不喝. 也健健康康自然生了三胎! 我找遍了所有英文書, 都找不到不能吃冰的資料!

還有鈣ㄧ天要四份, 二份不夠! milk, cheese, yogurt, ice cream all ok!

不過刺激的是少吃微妙! 不管有沒有懷孕, 吃清淡ㄧ點比較健康!

Anonymous said...

至於冰, 我也是產前產後都有吃

不過每個人體質不一樣, 妳還是要多多參考醫生意見才是!